Your Immune System Will Be Stronger if You Know About These Superfoods

By Gilbert Woleslagle

In order to have good health, you need to have a strong immune system. You already know this. It's why you work so hard to keep your body protected against germs. You wash your hands a lot. You use a hand sanitizer. You have a whole collection of supplements you take religiously every day and, when a friend or co-worker is ill, you keep your distance. What if the key to keeping your immune system healthy could be as simple as making sure that you ate some immune system 'superfoods'? Which foods are considered superfoods? In this report we will talk about three superfoods that you should include in your diet to keep your immune system peaked.

Do you like almonds? They are a wonderful immune-boosting superfood that a lot of folks don't even know about. One factor that makes almonds a superfood is the magnesium they contain. Why is magnesium so important? It makes your cells strong. It is also key in the boosting of your immune system. Grab a handful of almonds and munch down. They're good, aren't they? Also, you can find them easily. You can buy them at any grocery store They're fun to bake with. You can make many different snacks and desserts with almonds. Do you have a favorite homemade granola recipe? If so, make sure you include some chopped up almonds. An easy way to add plain almonds to your daily routine is to eat them plain. Keep a bowl in plain sight and grab a handful from time to time.

Peppermint is a great immune system boosting superfood. You may be surprised to know that peppermint is a great source of phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium. The health of your immune system depends on these nutrients. A nice advantage of peppermint is that it's easy to add to your diet. You can enjoy a nice cup of mint tea at the end of your day. Buy those little boxes of snack mints and munch on them. Your tossed green salad will benefit by the addition of a handful of fresh peppermint leaves. When you are making a stew, it makes a great addition to the flavor. The versatility of peppermint is wonderful. Peppermint Essential Oil is another great way to add peppermint to flavor many dishes you prepare.

Unfortunately, vampires can't benefit from this great food that strengthens your immune system - it's garlic. We'll be the first to admit that garlic has a strong odor. But it also has the nutrients you need to boost the power of your immune system. Uncooked garlic is the best way to get the benefits of the nutrients in this superfood. The power of garlic is best if you eat it uncooked, even though you may have to get used to doing this at first. Well, some of you just won't be able to deal with raw garlic, but you can still boost your immune system and add great flavor to your food if you include it in what you cook. Don't be afraid to use a lot of garlic. I have a great recipe called 40 Clove Garlic and it's delicious. Use as much as you can and you will feel wonderful.

There are so many different things that you can do to boost the power of your immune system.

Work out three to five times a week, without fail. Keep water handy during the day and make sure you don't let your body get dehydrated. Take the time to plan healthful, balanced meals for yourself and your family. For better protect, and a stronger immune system, make it a habit to eat immune-boosting superfoods frequently. Do some research online or buy a book on superfoods. That will give you even more to choose from than the three we've discussed in this report.

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