Studies Show A Connection Between Safflower Oil And Weight Loss

By Randi Boyer

Due to the fact that there are so many people struggling with weight related medical problems, fitness experts all around the world have begun to look for natural obesity remedies. Safflower oil and weight loss have been in the spotlight for several years and various studies have resulted in highly optimistic conclusions. Such research has indicated that safflower oil may be very beneficial for those who need to lose weight.

The oil is derived from safflower seeds, hence its name. Unlike many popular oils, it is very fragile. For this reason, keeping the oil in a cool, dry place away from both heat and direct sunlight is important so that its consistency is not compromised.

There are a variety of things such oil is used for, and additional facts are constantly being discovered about the product each year. Although it has been utilized for the purpose of dressing salads and deep frying certain foods for many decades, it owes its recent popularity to the benefits outlined above. The majority of studies currently being completed on safflower oil are centered on a specific ingredient it contains called CLA, which is an abbreviation for linoleic acid.

CLA is considered the primary ingredient responsible for the oil's beneficial properties with regard to weight loss. It impedes the human body's ability to store fat and boosts the rate of one's metabolism. When it is ingested, it enhances adiponectin production. The latter is a hormone that plays a significant role in fat metabolism. It is thought that when the levels of this hormone are increased, a person will burn about 20 percent more calories per day.

When fat is burned at a faster pace, it makes it much less difficult for a person to lose excess fat when he or she follows a healthy diet and sensible exercise program. It is important to mention, however, that there were certain individuals who participated in research projects who did not change what they ate and still burned fat at a quicker rate than the participants who did not take the oil. Because of this finding, other laboratories became intrigued and began conducting their own research projects on the oil.

There are other nutrients in addition to CLA that are present in the oil. For instance, it contains high levels of vitamin E, which is recognized throughout the world as a good vitamin for the heart. It helps one to maintain healthy skin and hair as well. Vitamin E also contains properties that stabilize blood glucose levels.

Such oil contains generous amounts of omega fatty acids. These acids support healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure. In addition, omega fatty acids are believed to keep blood cholesterol at an appropriate level.

As more studies are conducted in the future, it is likely that additional benefits will be uncovered concerning various uses for the oil. Those interested in this remedy for the purpose of weight loss have two options: it can be used in place of conventional cooking oils or salad dressings or one can buy safflower oil supplements, which can be found online or in traditional vitamin shops. Although a connection between safflower oil and weight loss has been established, it is always wise to speak to a doctor before using any new supplement for weight loss.

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