Plantar Fasciitis Treatment San Francisco

By Serena Price

Plantar fasciitis involves inflammation of and pain of thick bands of tissue that are referred to as plantar fascia. The tissues run across the bottom of feet, connecting the heel bones to toes. It is this condition that is mostly attributed to heel pain. People suffering from the condition will experience sharp pangs of pain when they make the first steps in the morning. When going for plantar fasciitis treatment San Francisco residents should know all that is involved.

As much as 90 percent of individuals suffering from this condition will get relief after undergoing conservative treatments for a few months. One common treatment option is use of drugs and medications. One of these is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drugs ibuprofen and naproxen relieve pain and reduce inflammation. They however never really treat underlying problems. There is also the drug corticosteroid that is taken through iontophoresis. This will involve applying of corticosteroid solution over the painful area. The absorption process is achieved by electric current that is not painful.

Injection is also a technique that can be used for applying the solution. The use of multiple injections is not advisable as it is known to weaken plantar fascia and thereby causing it to rupture. This would also have the effect of making the fat pad that covers the heel bone to shrink. For the injection to be placed more accurately, ultrasound guidance may be used.

The use of stretching and strengthening exercises will provide relief from symptoms. Specialized devices may also be used. An example of the exercises is physical therapy. Physical therapists will instruct their patients on series of exercises to stretch the Achilles tendon and strengthen lower muscles of the legs. This will in the long run stabilize the heels and ankles. Patients will also be taught how to apply athletic taping for supporting the bottom of the foot.

The use of night splints is also an effective technique. The doctor or physical therapist may advice patients to wear splints that stretch the calf and arch of the foot while they are sleeping. The plantar fascia and Achilles will be held in a lengthened position overnight in a way that stretching is facilitated. There can also be prescription of off-the-shelf supports known as orthotics. These will help in even distribution of pressure to feet.

There are instances when the more conservative measures fail to work, in which case other techniques have to be used. The first option is extracorporeal shock wave therapy in which there is sound waves are directed at the area where pain is experienced. This stimulates healing. It can come with side effects such as bruises, swelling, pain, numbness or tingling. Its consistency levels are however still in doubt.

Surgery is also an option that has been considered in some cases. There are persons that will need to surgical operation for detachment of the plantar fascia from the heel bone. This is the last option when the pain is very severe and every other technique has failed. Surgery could lead to weakening of the arch in the feet.

When going for plantar fasciitis treatment San Francisco residents should know there are complications for those that ignore the condition. Such people will develop chronic pain that hinders their regular activities. There is also the possibility of developing knee, foot, back or hip problems because the condition adversely affects the way people walk.

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