How To Attain The Well Rounded Action Hero Physique Of Jason Statham

By Russ Howe

While most movie star physiques are built purely with the actor's appearance on the big screen in mind, the Jason Statham workout offers a very different take. It is based upon creating a body which not only looks strong, but actually is strong.

This particular workout routine is not your standard 3 x 12 workout by any means. In fact, it is one of the most unusual plans in Hollywood today, incorporating tons of variety and obscure exercises which most people have never performed before.

Borrowing from techniques which are not practised in most public gyms, you'll encounter exercises which are usually found in hardcore strength gyms and crossfit conventions, such as the power clean and rope climb. The emphasis is clearly on building muscle which is not only nice to look at but also functional and strong.

As a circuit, the workout itself consists of three very different stages which combine to form one 60-90 minute gym session, including:

Stage 1: 10 minute cardiovascular warm-up.

Stage 2: 15 minute high intensity interval training workout.

Stage 3: A rigorous full body routine involving a mixture of body weight, power lifting and crossfit exercises.

The first phase requires a ten minute warm-up to be performed on any piece of cardiovascular equipment in your gym. Given the nature of the upcoming exercises, it would be wise to turn your attention away from machines which focus on one part of the body and instead choose something which will get your full body warmed up sufficiently, such as a rowing machine. Stage two moves on to a 15 minute interval session.

Of course, HIIT is based upon the theory of switching from a moderate level of intensity to a very high level rather than just keeping the workout at the same pace. It has been proven to increase fat burning by nine times compared to regular cardiovascular exercise but the secret to success comes in allowing for sufficient recovery between your short interval bursts of maximal intensity. This session lasts 15 minutes. Try to fit in as many 30 second bursts as you can, allowing around 2 minutes for recovery - but if you need longer than that, just take longer.

The third phase focuses on a combo of body weight exercises, power lifting techniques and crossfit moves which are rarely practised in popular health clubs and gyms. For that reason, take a few moments to iron out any kinks to your technique before you do the full workout. Pick 6 exercises from the list below to form a full body workout:

Reverse crunch x 20 reps - tilt the pelvis at the top of each rep to hit the lower abdomen.

Dips x 20

Weighted rope pull x 5 reps - attach a 20 foot weight to a rope and pull it towards you.

Climb x 5 reps - climb a 20 foot rope 5 times, beating your time on each rep if possible.

Skipping with high knees x 30 seconds

Wide-grip pull-ups x 15

Deadlift x 20

Dumbbell or barbell squat x 20 reps.

Barbell Bench Press x 20

Barbell Clean And Press x 20

Dumbbell Swing x 20 reps - use a dumbbell as an alternative to kettlebells, giving a new twist to a popular old exercise.

The circuit is formed by choosing six exercises from the list above or entering your own preferred choices into the slots. Perform all six moves without any rest, before taking a 5 minute break at the end of a full round. Try to perform around 6 circuits in total, this should give you an overall workout time of between 60-90 minutes.

The Jason Statham workout principle is simple yet brutally effective: keep it simple and keep it high intensity. This ensures that you not only look muscular but you are actually strong, too. Furthermore, the focus on intensity will ensure maximum fat loss.

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