How To Alleviate Pain With Best Sciatic Stretches Using An Atwood KS Back Stretcher

By Princess Smith

The sciatic nerve is the longest in the entire human body. It stretches from the person's lower spine along the entire length of his or her leg. Under normal circumstances, the nerve transmits signals between one's leg and brain. However, when it becomes pinched, the nerve starts to cause pain. With an Atwood KS back stretcher, sufferers of sciatica are able to find relief that does not require pills or surgery.

The discs in one's spine are compressed through many different actions. Normal standing and sitting throughout the day cause a person to lose 1/2 inch in height. Normally, the height is regained over night during restorative sleep. However, wear and tear of the discs can cause a person to lose height that is not regained unless the discs are stretched.

A compressed disc does not benefit from the normal ebb and flow of bodily fluids that bring oxygen and nutrients into the structure. Disc dehydration is a primary cause of degeneration. Stretching can restore the natural flow of nutrients and bring healing.

Compressed discs can cause pain in several different areas of one's body. However, when the compression puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, the pain may affect everything from the lower lumbar region to the foot. Sufferers often complain of tingling, numbness and loss of use of the affected limb.

This device is designed so the user applies gentle pressure to stretch his or her own spine in the comfort of their own home. Regular use can help compressed discs to be elongated to their normal shape. The stretching helps to relieve the pressure from the nerve allowing healing to take place.

An Atwood KS back stretcher offers help for sciatica pain. The device helps to heal the underlying problem. Patients need fewer pain medications as the pressure is relieved. The body uses its own natural ability to heal itself to reduce pain.

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