The Importance of Dietary Fat in Bodybuilding

By James Steele

The influence of dietary fat on a bodybuilders daily diet should be understood by all participants. This understanding is not universal amongst bodybuilders. They consciously try to eradicate a majority of fat from their diets. Further complicating the problem, the fats that are ingested are not those that lead to overall health. What they are doing in effect is depriving themselves of vital nutrients. Due to the intensity of their training, appropriate nutrition is key.

The right fats in the right amounts are actually good for our bodies. Even the most experienced body builder can stand to benefit by examining the latest wisdom that science has to offer. It really is a matter of thinking about your bodybuilding goals and then considering how you can use this information to get you where you want to be.

Essential fatty acids plays an important role for bodybuilders to help build mass. For those trying to build up muscle mass, be sure take a look at the daily percentage of fat you are consuming. If you aren't getting the results you desire, then it's time to up your essential fatty acids daily intake. Increasing your intake of EFA's may result in an increase in muscle tissue and a decrease in muscle breakdown. Contrary to what you may believe, many bodybuilders have seen noticeable improvements by upping their EFA's. Conventional thought would be to add more protein and reduce fat intake, but this isn't always effective or what your body needs.

The Omega acids are often referred to as, Essential Fatty Acids or EFA's. Wild salmon and tuna are an outstanding source of the polyunsaturated Omega 3s essential fatty acids. You can round out your intake of essential fatty acids by including other sources like walnuts, flax, and kiwi in your diet. Omega 3 fatty acids support cardiovascular health as well as brain function and health. Interchangeable expressions of the terms Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are present. The former is also known as alpha Linolenic Acid, and the latter is commonly called Linoleic acid. The fatty acids, while related have individual functions that are consequential to bodybuilding. A few of the benefits include increased stamina, expeditious healing from injuries, quicker recovery times after training and much more when used in proper ratios. All-around health benefits can be derived when consuming accurate amounts of fats.

Adding a controlled amount of dietary fat into your diet is a great way to build mass and increase your caloric intake. Adding a small amount of saturated fats may be a good idea if you have eliminated them from your eating plan. You can also increase your calories consumed by incorporating more EFA's also known as essential fatty acids, into your diet. You can get about 120 more calories a day extra by simply taking a single tablespoon of an oil based EFA such as flax seed. It's important to get a small amount of saturated fats into your diet as well. Dietary fat intake is crucial due the increased tension placed on your body as your begin to body build. Due to these factors, using high-quality sources of knowledge from responsible sources is important as you begin to educate yourself. Without fail, perseverance to the sport will influence your learning. Even those who chose not to compete can still be tenacious when it comes to the sport. If you dedicate yourself to creating the body you desire it should be done effectively.

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