Discover Your Body's Best Weight Lifting Workout

By Emmanuel Palmer

Everyone wants to look great, who doesn?'t? You get more admiring glances and you even get special favors once in a while; but more than anything you feel better about yourself. If you weren't born with a wrestler's body, thank God that would be too scary. However, if you are naturally skinny or hefty, you still can a great physique if you have enough determination, motivation and maybe get a little bit of kick out of physical pain?the good kind only.

We will begin with learning the science behind how to build bigger muscle. When you exercise, the heavy weights that the body lifts put tears in the muscles. Rest, especially a good night's sleep, help restore and build up the tissue to endure the stress put upon it?hence the bigger muscles that physical training results in. Here is an effective weight lifting workout designed to help your body pack on the muscles you've always wanted.

Before you train, always do a minimum of 10 to 30 minute aerobic exercise to get your blood flowing to your heart, lungs and muscle tissues. Warm up and stretching, increases your body's temperature, preparing your body for the physical stress it is about to endure in the next hour or so. Stretching between sets is helpful, especially in easing muscle soreness in the next few days.

You will find an assortment of machines and drills that you can utilize for your training. The important thing is to strategize and plan your training and establish the frequency, reps/sets and weights you will be using to fully maximize the muscle groups you exercise on any given day.

When you are starting out, use lower weights and do 2 to three sets of 12 repetitions in your drills. Choose the correct weight by finding out what load will tire your target muscle by the 12th repetition. Try different weights on subsequent work outs to experiment. Rest periods between sets should be about 60 to 90 seconds if you're aiming to build bigger muscle.

Ask any professional trainer and they will advise a two to four day split training on specific muscle groups. You can either split between the upper (arms, back, chest, shoulders) and lower (legs, stomach) body; or between muscles that work together. Always train the bigger muscles and work your way down to the smallest to ensure that you get the most out of each workout session.

Here are some of the drills you can use: Back: deadlifts, T-bar rows, lat pull downs Chest: bench press (flat, incline and decline) Shoulders: military press, dumbbell rear felt flyes Arms: barbell curls, dips, close-grip bench press Legs: squats, front squats, leg press, lunges Stomach: leg raises and crunches

Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water especially during workout sessions so that you won't be dehydrated as you train. Always make time for cooling down and stretching after training. For unusual pain (soreness not included) in joints and muscles, consult your trainer and therapist as soon as possible. Now you have a weight lifting workout, you have no excuse not to have a great physique. Live right and enjoy!

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