Slow Down Ageing with Wrinkle Treatments

By Anne Fennell

As of late, big gains have been made in the area of cosmetic procedures, and facial wrinkles are a heavy focus in this. No one wants to be though of as "old" but sadly in this world, having younger looking skin is very important and if there are visible wrinkles others will not find a person as attractive.

But what do wrinkle treatments involve? With so many offering the treatments, what is it you should be aware of before you opt for it? In this article, we will examine wrinkle treatments in more detail.

What are wrinkle treatments?

Toxins in the air are all around us, whether it comes from the exhaust from cars, the smoke from cigarettes, or the burning rays of the sun, skin takes it's share of damage and abuse. This damage can result in the formation of fine lines on the skin called wrinkles, which can be cosmetically unpleasant to look at, especially if there are too many.

Removing wrinkles is achieved by using botulinum toxin, as it is an effective wrinkle treatment. To remove lines, all kinds of things are considered, basic skin cream of course, laser treatments, and chemical peels are also performed. With all of these processes to be chosen from, it looks as if botox is becoming more well known all the time. There are those who use less effective products such as anti-wrinkle creams that have expensive ad campaigns backing them.

What treatments make the most difference?

At this time, this can not be answered with a high degree of certainty. Facial wrinkles respond differently to different treatments in different patients, so it is hard to say which one would work the best. Dermal fillers such as botox injections are known to be effective in this, according to the information accumulated, and they seem to be favored by many.

What is the average length of the effects?

Results for different treatments types vary according to which kind is administered. The limited effects of a product like a skin cream will last for a brief period, but generally it isn't all that effective even when used frequently. More advanced treatments such as dermal fillers and botox injections can last a few months.

Price of treatment compared to effectiveness

This kind of advanced facial wrinkle treatment can't be bought with pocket change. The process chosen and the treatment provider are the deciding factors in cost, it can be around $300 or even up to $3000 or more, as these advanced treatments take specialized equipment, materials, and training. If someone doesn't mind applying skin creams every day and buying more often, this is an option for some. Treatments over time can be more closely examined, and the cost effectiveness of each one can be determined. Botox and other dermal fillers are beginning to look like the most practical and cost effective treatment for facial wrinkles, over time. CO2 lasers are touted by certain physicians as being the treatments that are most cost effective.

The healing process following treatments

There are no side effects to recover from when using skin creams, no healing required. However, amongst the more advanced treatments of facial wrinkles, it appears that microdermabrasion probably has the least downtime. Having said that, this does not make microdermabrasion the best treatment as multiple treatments are required that can be rather uncomfortable to the patient.


A wide variety of treatments exist when it comes to facial wrinkle reduction processes. There are both good and bad points for each kind of treatment. The ultimate choice will depend on the patient, what they can afford, what they are prepared to undergo and the experience of the treating healthcare professional.

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